What users are saying

"This assessment was so beneficial for my clients. They are amazed that so much is available for them. An awesome assessment for unemployed, underemployed, career changers and career advising".

Sandy Grimm, GCDF
Big Sandy Area Community Action Program
Job Club Facilitator

"Finding Your Place in the World of Work" is a very helpful tool for clients discovering what career to explore! It is user-friendly, self- explanatory and a great stepping stone for those who may not have a chosen path and are curious to know where they would be a good fit! The assessment gives great insight and a wonderful range of opportunities!"

Allison Brown, GCDF
Career Advisor

"Finding Your Place in the World of Work" assessment helped clarify my specific interest and how I relate to certain careers as well as where to begin plotting my career path. It helped to clarify things that would otherwise remain misunderstood."

Brian Fields, GCDF
Youth Coordinator

"Finding Your Place in the World of Work Inventory is a great tool to have on your belt. It is engaging."

Alesia Brewer, GCDF
Daniel Boone Community Action Agency
"This assessment is a wonderful tool to use as a springboard into a world of self-discovery as one is preparing to enter or re-enter the workforce."

Brenda Shumate, GCDF
Northeast Community Action
"The assessment helped me understand client's interests so I can serve them in the most positive way."

Sidney Castle, GCDF
Career Advisor at Gateway CAA